It's About the Kingdom

Glory to God!

About Sonship Ministries

Revelation of Identity


I was not raised in a Christian home, but when I was 16, I had some friends ask me to attend a meeting at their church on a Friday night and for the first time in my life I felt God. It was at a play shortly thereafter called Heavens gates Hells flames that the love of God compelled me and I gave my life to him. But after joining the United Sates Navy Seabees in 2001 I started drifting away for God as I lived for myself. When I meet Amber in 2004 she was a light, and challenged me to be the man God had called me to be. On deployment to Japan I started the journey back to my first love in Jesus and upon my return Amber and I were married on February 26, 2005.


We were only married for 5 months when I was deployed to Iraq. During this deployment I read “Good morning Holy Spirit” by Pastor Benny Hinn and got my first introduction to the Holy Spirit. 


Today I am an associate Pastor at my church, and an Evangelist. I did not set out to do so, but I just feel the calling on my life so strong. I was a ship superintendent at a ship yard and I just knew that I had to leave my job and fulfill the calling, pulling, and tugging that I was feeling for the Lord. I fought this for several years and I finally told the Lord, he as my complete life! I was not going to try to hold back any longer. This was NOT an easy choice, but I trusted the Lord and it has been great from that day on!


My vision is to fulfill the great commission of God, to preach the Gospel to the entire world. To establish one’s identity in Christ Jesus as many do not fully understand who they are in Christ and what it means to be a child of God.   

We invite you to partner with us in this vision, and we are so grateful of your investment in us!

Let's Connect & Discover Your Purpose

What makes design so alluring? I believe the answer is the Designer! Your style, your ideas, your creativity were all placed there on purpose. You weren’t an accident, your mistakes don’t define you. You are amazing, you are His!

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